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Is it a Good Idea to Have a Car in the City?

It’s hard to beat the convenience of having a car. Public transportation can be hard to rely on and biking or walking isn’t always the most practical option. But having a car means you can set your own schedule and get where you need to go whenever you choose. Owning a car in the city isn’t for the faint of heart however, so here’s how you can decide if it’s the right move for you. Let’s talk about owning a car in the city. What are the benefits of owning a car in the city?It’s faster than public transportation (usually).The fastest way from point A to point B is a straight line. It certainly isn’t a winding curve with multiple stops along the way to pick up more passengers. Having a car means you don’t need to get to the correct bus stop or train station, you don’t need to wait for that bus or train to arrive, and you don’t need to make multiple stops on your way to your destination. If you ever need to get somewhere quickly, having a car is the way to go. You have freedom.Having a car means you can get up and go whenever you want. There’s no schedule to abide by. This is especially true if you like to leave the city. If you are getting around from place to place in a city there are usually a few different ways to get there and many different time tables. But if you try to get out of the city it can be a lot harder. There may be only one or two buses or trains a day that are going to your destination. But a car means that you can leave when you want, stay for as long as you want, and come back when you want.  You can run errands.A car makes running errands much easier. After all, lugging bags of groceries on the bus is less than ideal. But if you need to run to the store and get a lot of things or make a large purchase, such as a piece of furniture, having a car is imperative. What are the disadvantages of owning a car in the city?It’s expensive.The major drawback of owning a car in the city is that it is EXPENSIVE. Everything just costs more in the city since there is not a lot of space but there is a lot of demand.  Parking is arguably one of the biggest expenses you will face depending on where you live. In New York City parking averages at $37 for just two hours. Unless you have an apartment that comes with a spot (which you will undoubtedly have to pay additional for), finding a reasonable parking rate is incredibly difficult in a big city. Tolls are another cost that is impossible to avoid in the cities. In New York City drivers can easily pay up to $.55 per mile on tolls, while drivers can expect to pay $1.75 per mile on tolls in San Francisco. Car insurance is also incredibly expensive in the city. This is because the rate of accidents is so much higher. Check out these average car insurance rates from popular cities in the United States.Miami: Almost $3,000 per yearLas Vegas: $2,088 per yearNew Orleans: Over $3,500 per yearOrlando: Almost $2,250 per yearJacksonville, FL: $2,025 per yearLos Angeles: $2,053 per year Gas is more expensive in cities as well and can cost you an arm and a leg. Here are some average gas prices in US cities as of September 2023:San Diego: $5.60 per gallonLos Angeles: $5.79 per gallonSan Francisco: $5.42 per gallonLas Vegas: $4.87 per gallon On top of those costs, you still have to pay for the actual car. And given how expensive cars are now, that can be a huge dent to your monthly budget. Here are some average auto loan debt to income ratios in popular cities:In Las Vegas auto loan debt is 39% of income.In Miami auto loan debt is 45% of income.In New Orleans auto loan debt is 37% of income. In Houston auto loan debt is 44% of income.In Orlando auto loan debt is 38% of income.In Jacksonville, FL auto loan debt is 39% of income. So the bottom line is that car ownership in a city is usually out of most people’s budget. You have to find parking.We already discussed how expensive parking can be, but sometimes that actual act of finding a parking spot can be a nightmare. You can easily spend 20 or 30 minutes just trying to find an open spot or a garage that has openings. It can cause a lot of stress, anxiety, and the time that it takes to park may even defeat any time you may have gained by avoiding public transportation. There’s a lot of traffic.City driving comes with a lot of traffic. With so many cars and people, delays in the city are inevitable. It can cause delays, headaches, and can even lead to incidents of road rage. The rate of fender benders is also through the roof in most cities because of traffic. While these accidents don’t cause too much damage, they can still be costly to repair and a pain to deal with. You will get poor gas mileage.Driving in the city means poor gas mileage as well. This is because of the extra time idling at stop lights and being stuck in traffic, the stop and go driving, and the lower speeds you are driving. Car manufacturers specify city miles and highway miles for this reason. So well your car may get 40 miles per gallon on the open road, you may only get 25 miles per gallon in a congested city.Crime rates are higher.This isn’t the case in every city, but compared to suburban or rural areas the chance of crime tends to be higher in cities. Your vehicle may have a higher chance of being stolen or broken into, which is not only expensive in and of itself, but can cause your insurance premiums to increase.  Should I get a car in the city?Ultimately it is up to you if owning a car in the city is worth it. If the cost and potential stress is outweighed by the convenience it offers, then getting a car might be a great option for you. After all, it is hard to beat the freedom that comes with owning a car. You may also choose to share a car with a roommate or loved one to help split the costs associated with ownership. What kind of car is best for city driving? If you weigh the pros and cons of owning a car in the city and decide that it’s worth it to you, you may be wondering what type of car is the best for city driving. Here are some of the important characteristics you should look for in a city car:A car that’s small enough to maneuver and park easily but large enough to fit what you need.A car that gets good city gas mileage. A car that has a tight turning radius.A car with a good camera system to help you park.A car with pedestrian detection. Driving in the city is very different from driving in a rural area and your car should be equipped to handle it. Compact to mid-size cars are generally a good bet in terms of size. A large SUV or truck will most likely be difficult to maneuver and park. A car that is known for efficiency and good gas mileage, such a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla may be a perfect choice for city driving. If your budget is a little higher, a BMW 2 Series may be a sportier and more fun selection. A Tesla Model 3 is another great option that blows the other competitors out of the water in terms of gas mileage. With 390 miles on a single charge, it may be the most practical in terms of fuel economy.  If an SUV is what you want and need, there are a number of smaller SUVs that might work for you even in a city environment. The Hyundai Kona gets great gas mileage (30 mpg city) and is a pretty affordable option. The Toyota RAV4 Hybrid has a slightly higher price tag, but with 41 mpg city it’s hard to beat.That’s your guide to owning a car in the city.Owning a car comes with a lot of benefits, but it’s not without its downsides. If you are considering getting a car in the city, be sure you can afford it. If you already own a car, refinancing your car loan can make car ownership a whole lot more affordable. Contact Auto Approve today to see how much money you could save! GET A QUOTE IN 60 SECONDS
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How The UAW Strike Will Affect the Car Market

The current auto workers strike is causing a great deal of unease for the current car market. If the strike is resolved soon, the effect on the market is expected to be minimal, but if the strike continues for weeks or months, dealers and consumers may be in a less than desirable situation. Here’s how the UAW will affect the car market.Why is the UAW on strike?The UAW–the United Auto Workers–is on strike against three of the largest car manufacturers in the United States. The strike began when 13,000 workers at GM, Ford, and Stellantis walked out of factories in Michigan, Missouri, and Ohio on September 15. While the UAW represents 150,000 auto workers, they targeted their strike to strategic factories and locations. By focusing on assembly plants as opposed to other factories, such as engine plants, they started the strike where there was minimal disruption. GM, Ford, and Stellantis–the big three–had ramped up production over the summer in anticipation of a strike, so currently there is not a huge disruption. But that may change as weeks go on and the UAW demands are not met. The workers are demanding the following changes in their upcoming contract negotiations. A Pay RaiseThe union is demanding a 36% wage increase over the next four years. The UAW is asking for the high raise in part because they have not had a cost of living increase in fourteen years. Automakers have countered their request with a 20% increase, but have commented that they will make up for this in other ways, such as lowering other benefits and reducing hiring in the future. The UAW has commented they will settle for anything below a mid-30s percentage increase. A Reduced WorkweekThe UAW proposed a reduction from 40 hours to 32 hours to give workers more of a work-life balance. The manufacturers have repeatedly denied this, countering instead with additional vacation time and possible paternity leave. Retirement BenefitsThe union is requesting a significant increase in retirement benefits. They would like to see a return to traditional pensions, while the automakers are countering with additional 401(k) contributions.  Other DemandsThe union has other demands for the companies as well, such as reinstating cost of living adjustments, the elimination of in-progression pay structure (a return to equal pay for equal work), and product commitments that will guarantee jobs for workers. What will resolve the UAW strike?Workers feel strongly that they have been taken advantage of while the profits of these companies have skyrocketed. The automakers on the other hand feel like the workers are paid competitive wages and that the strike will only hurt the economy at large. As with any strike, compromise on both sides is the only solution for the situation. Both sides have shown hints of certain concessions but both sides have sticking points that may take a while to resolve. What’s the current state of the auto market?Automakers ramped up production in anticipation of the strike, so there is no immediate shortage of cars. In fact studies have shown that dealerships currently feel comfortable with the amount of cars that they have on their lot. The biggest fear for the immediate market is the psychology of the consumer. If consumers start to panic that they may not be able to get a car in the future they may put a huge demand on the market and drive prices up almost instantaneously. Dealers may also make a similar move. If they fear that they will not keep up on inventory they may drive prices up. What effect could the strike have on the car market? Should the strike continue for several weeks, the psychology of consumers and dealers will not be the only issue. Car prices are already at record highs as a result of the pandemic and post-pandemic supply shortages. The price of a new car skyrocketed from $39,919 in 2020 to an average of $48,798 in 2023. Combined with high interest rates, partially due to the Fed’s continued prime rate increases throughout the year, buying a new car is not cheap. A new car loan average interest rate is currently 7.46%. Consumers with leases may also see the impact as dealers will want to retain their used cars and might be unwilling to extend the lease. Shortages of cars with the big three means that consumers will increase demand on other car manufacturers, causing prices to increase even further.  The used car market may also start to climb significantly if the strike continues. The used car market was extremely hot following the pandemic, but prices have started to normalize again. That could all change if the strike continues and the demand for used cars skyrockets. The coming days and weeks will reveal more and have an impact on the economy in one way or another. If the demands are not met, more factories will see workers walk out. As certain workers walk out, the automakers are laying off other employees that cannot work without the parts supplied by the other factories. The ripple effect will be felt by all employees and all car consumers. What should I do if I need a new car right now?It’s hard to ignore the strike, but it’s important to not panic. Were you already in the market for a new car and still need one? Then go down to the dealership and see what deals are available. The chief operating officer for North America at Stellantis, Mark Stewart, has urged customers to keep buying cars. He has said repeatedly that there are contingency plans should the strike continue. It’s impossible to predict what will happen in the coming weeks, so the biggest thing you can do is try to make an informed decision, and not a decision rooted in panic or emotion. If the time is right for you to buy a car, shop around with different dealers and look for loans with a number of lenders. There are a record amount of rejections right now, so it’s more important than ever to ensure your credit is good before you apply for a new car loan. If the time is not right, hold onto your car for a little longer. Take the time to increase your credit score, pay down some debt, and bide your time until you are in a good position to afford a new car.That’s what is going on with the UAW strike and how it could impact the car market. If you are holding onto your car, consider refinancing with Auto Approve. If your financial situation has improved since your initial financing, chances are you could get a lower interest rate. So what are you waiting for? GET A QUOTE IN 60 SECONDS
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Buying a Used Car? Watch Out for These Scams

New cars are quite expensive these days. Considering how much value a car loses when it drives off the lot, buying a used car can be a great way to save a lot of money. But buying a used car requires a bit more research, patience, and a healthy degree of skepticism to get a good deal. Let’s talk about used car scams and how to avoid getting ripped off.What are some common used car scams? Scam #1: The Sell Now ScamThe seller posts a picture of a real car that is for sale, but in fact they do not own the car. On the ad they claim that they need to sell the car fast and at a deep discount for one reason or another. Sometimes they claim it’s because a loved one died and they need to get rid of it quickly for sentimental reasons, other times they claim they have been deployed. But they require a partial payment to confirm that you will buy the car. Once they receive the money, they disappear and you never see your money again.Scam #2: The Gift Card ScamThe seller requests gift cards as payment instead of cash. They instruct the buyer to purchase x amount of gift cards, and when they receive the gift cards you are unable to contact them again. This payment is untraceable, and the unusual request should alert you right away that it is a scam. Scam #3: The “I’m Affiliated With…” ScamThe seller fakes a partnership or relationship with a reputable dealer. Their website will boast that they are affiliated with eBay or Cars.com or another legitimate company, when in reality they have no such relationship. They often use fake phone numbers and even link to fake websites that mimic legitimate dealer sites, all in an effort to fool you into thinking they are a legitimate operation. Scam #4: The Escrow ScamThe seller appears to be on the up and up and suggests putting the money in escrow until the sale is finalized. The buyer feels that this is in good faith, makes the escrow payment, and then never hears from the seller again. In reality there was no escrow company and the money was really made to the scammer directly.  Scam #5: The Curbstoning ScamThe seller convinces the buyer to meet in a public space such as a parking lot or the curb of a road. They then put the pressure on to buy their car, which is made to look like a safe, normal car. In reality the car has dangerous issues that would make it illegal to sell under normal circumstances, such as a bent frame. When the cash is received, the seller leaves and the buyer realizes that they do not have the necessary paperwork and are left out of money and out of a car. Scam #6: The “It Only Needs a Little Work” ScamThe seller places ads that their car is working great, it just “needs a little work”, usually something minor and inexpensive. They might tell the buyer that the engine just needs a new spark plug, and once the spark plug is replaced it will work perfectly. The buyer hands over the money and makes the necessary repairs, only to realize that the spark plug was not the problem, but in fact the whole engine needs to be replaced.  Scam #7: The VIN Cloning ScamThe seller posts an ad, sells the car, and everything seems legitimate. But in fact the VIN is a duplicate VIN, a clone of a car that has a clean record. The car that the buyer just bought is actually a stolen car or a car that is defective. If it is discovered to be a stolen car, it may be repossessed from you and returned to its original owner.  Scam #8: The Title Washing ScamThe seller has a car that has been deemed totaled, usually because it was in a flood or an accident. The title of the car is branded so that everyone can see that the car is not fit to drive. The seller “washes'' the title, transferring the title to a state where the DMV will not recognize the branding. They then get a new title where no branding exists and the car’s salvage status is erased. The buyer has no idea that the car they are purchasing is in fact unsafe to drive. This is a scam that has been pulled by private sellers and used dealers alike.  Scam #9: The Odometer ScamThe seller manually adjusts the odometer reading of the car they are selling to make it appear as if the car has been driven less than it actually has. This is unfortunately a very common occurrence. The NHTSA estimates that nearly half a million cars are sold each year with manipulated odometer readings. Scam #10: The Purchase Protection ScamThe seller claims to have a purchase protection program that will protect the buyer and lull them into a sense of ease. In reality the purchase protection plan is bogus, and is only made to look legitimate through fake numbers and a shiny website. Buyers make deposits and payments, only to never hear from the seller again.How can I protect myself from used car scams?Protecting yourself from scams requires research and common sense. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is and it’s best to run the other way. Here are some other tips to protect yourself from fraud. Research the buyer.If you are buying from a dealership, dig around online to find out about their reputation. If you find some alarming reviews, it’s best to believe them and find another dealer. You can also check their standing with the Better Business Bureau to find out if they have complaints filed against them. If it’s a private seller, see if there’s any information you can find online. Check the phone number they give you to make sure it’s a real number. If you cannot find any trace of the person online, they may not exist. If you are dealing with an online seller, dig deep into their website and don’t believe everything you read. If they claim they are affiliated with another company like eBay, go to eBay’s website to confirm.  Research the car.The seller should be able to give you the car’s VIN. This will allow you to access the CARFAX and run a title check. This will alert you to VIN cloning and title washing and will alert you to any funny business with the odometer. Don’t make advance payments.Don’t fall for the rush rush rush sales tactics. There is never a need to instantly send someone money. There is no deal in the world that is that good and on the up and up. There is really no need for a seller to demand a deposit, so avoid making one. If there is an instance where it is warranted, be sure to get a receipt. Meet in person.If a seller refuses to meet you in person, that should be a big red flag. Of course you want to be safe about any and all meetups, but you should always see the car–and the seller–in person, especially before handing over any money.  Look at the title carefully.Before handing over any money be sure to scrutinize the car’s title. Make sure the VIN on the title matches the one on the car and check the odometer reading. If it is smudged on the title, that is another red flag.  Be leery of cash only transactions.While some people love dealing in cash, be leery if this is the only payment the seller will accept. You cannot trace cash the way that you can trace a check or credit card transaction. Criminals prefer untraceable methods for obvious reasons, so be on the lookout for how they react to different payment methods. Use good old common sense.While doing your research is the best way to prepare and avoid a scam, you should still listen to that tiny voice in your head. If a seller is giving off weird vibes, being evasive in your conversations, or rushing you a bit too much, listen to your heart. There are a lot of cars out there and another deal will come your way sooner or later. If you fall for a scam you will be out of money and have very little to show for it. Better to protect yourself (and your money) by being cautious.Those are some common used car buying scams (and how you can protect yourself from them). If you already have a car that you are making payments on, you can protect yourself in a different way–by refinancing your car loan with Auto Approve. Car loan refinance can save you a lot of money, and who couldn’t use some extra money? GET A QUOTE IN 60 SECONDS
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10 Questions You Should Ask About Your Checking Account

There are seemingly endless options when it comes to banks these days. From traditional banks to online banks, there have never been more places to keep your money. But all banks are not created equal and selecting the wrong bank can come back to bite you right in the wallet. So when the time comes to open a checking account, it’s important to ask the right questions. Here are 10 questions you should ask before opening a checking account. #1. Is there a mobile app or online banking?In today’s digital world, a mobile app or access to online banking is imperative for many people. While some people prefer to go to the physical bank to do all of their transactions, that is simply not an option for everyone.  If online banking is important to you, be sure to ask how their platform works. What transactions can you do online? Most platforms will allow you to check your balance, pay bills, and deposit checks all from the convenience of your smartphone. There may be limits to the amounts you can deposit or there may be fees charged for each deposit, so these are questions you should ask as well. #2. Are there physical branches? If so, where are they located?Again, some people like to go to the physical bank for all transactions. If this is the case for you, be sure to find out where the banks are located. Some larger transactions may require you to go to the physical location, so you should at least check that there is one within driving distance to you.#3. Are there bank ATMs? If so, where are they located?While many places are turning cashless these days, some of us still need cash on hand. You will not have to pay a fee if you use your bank’s ATM or an ATM that is in your bank’s network, but you should check where these are located. Also ask what fees you will have to pay for using an out of network ATM. While some online banks have no physical locations, and therefore have no ATMs, they may have a policy that allows you to use certain ATMS with no fee.#4. Is there a minimum balance?A minimum balance may be required to keep certain checking accounts in good standing. These minimum balances may be required daily, weekly, or monthly depending on the bank. If you do not plan to keep a large sum of money in your checking account, try to look for one with no minimum balance. You may be able to have this requirement waived if based on other policies, such as linking your savings account to your checking account. Ask the bank if there are any ways to have the minimum balance requirement waived. Failing to keep the balance will result in fees or the denial of interest payments so you want to keep your account in good standing.#5. What is the interest rate?Many banks offer interest rates on checking accounts. These rates are usually low, much lower than the rates for savings accounts. If a bank does offer a high yield checking account there may be a higher minimum balance. But it’s good to shop around for a good interest rate if possible. After all, if your money is just sitting there and can earn some interest, why shouldn’t it?#6. What are the bank fees?Banks charge different fees for different things. Here are just a few of the fees you may be required to pay at some point:Account maintenance feeOverdraft feeMinimum balance penalty feeATM feeReturn depositTransfer feeForeign transaction feePaper statement feeAccount closure fee There is usually a list of fees that will be provided to you. Paying attention to what the policies and fees are will help you select a bank that is right for you.  #7. Are there any requirements you need to meet?In addition to minimum balances, there may be other requirements that you are required to meet in order to keep your account open and in good standing. Some banks require that you deposit a certain amount every month, have a limit to how many checks you can write, or require a significant balance that you need to deposit to open the account. #8. Can you access your money if you are traveling?If you are a traveler it is imperative to check the foreign transaction policy of your checking account. There is no worse feeling than being in a foreign country with no access to your money. Some banks will allow you to use your card at a foreign ATM and take out the local currency, but this policy and the fees that you are charged will vary from bank to bank.If travel is a high priority for you, look for a bank that will waive foreign transaction fees. Banks today are trying to become more competitive when it comes to overseas transactions, so you may be able to find some banks with exceptional policies. Charles Schwab offers one of the best international ATM withdrawal policies while Capital One has some of the best deals on foreign transaction fees.#9. Will the money be insured?It is not out of the question that something could happen to the bank you select. Given the failure of four banks this year alone, it’s something that you should at least consider. Most banks are insured by the FDIC–the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation–which will usually insure your money for up to $250,000. If the bank is not insured, take that as a warning sign. #10. How is the bank’s customer service?Chances are you will need to contact customer service at some point. It may be for assistance with a simple banking issue or it may be to report an unrecognized transaction. But either way you want to be sure that the customer service is responsive and will work with you. Reading reviews online will give you a sense of how other customers have been treated in the past and can help inform your decision.Those are the questions you should be asking when opening a new checking account.Researching banks may not be the most enjoyable thing to do, but taking the time to examine each option can help save you a lot of money and time in the future. You work hard for your money and deserve to keep it somewhere safe and accessible. Your money should not be tied up in a bad bank account, nor should it be tied up in unreasonable car payments. Contact Auto Approve today to find out how refinancing your car loan can save you money! GET A QUOTE IN 60 SECONDS
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When Should I Start Saving for the Holidays?

The air is crisp and the leaves are changing colors in many parts of the United States, which means one thing: the holidays are right around the corner. Before we know it the stores will be decked out in red and green and holiday music will be on every station. And while many of us look forward to this time of year, our bank accounts certainly do not.  So how and when should you start saving for the holidays? Here’s our ultimate guide on saving for the holiday season.When should I start saving for the holidays?While some people say you should start saving for the holidays as soon as the last holiday season is over (i.e. save all year), for most of us that isn’t practical. Not only is it hard to think that far in advance, but there are a lot of expenses that pop up over the course of the year that take precedence over holiday shopping funds. It is more realistic to start saving about 3 months ahead of time. This gives you time to save money in a focused way. What are the benefits of saving for the holidays?The big benefit of saving for the holidays is that you will have more time to save and therefore can have more money when the time to shop comes around. But that’s not the only benefit of planning and saving ahead of time.You can find the best deals.When you start saving money early in a focused way, you can keep an eye out for deals. As the holidays get closer and closer retailers know that people will pay more and more money for things. But taking advantage of sales earlier in the season and avoiding the last minute rush of shopping will save you a lot of money (and a big headache to boot). You can prevent overspending.Consider this. You have most of your list checked off for holiday gifts, but one name still lingers on your list. As the days go on you get more and more desperate, eventually purchasing one (or a few) overpriced items even though you aren’t even sure if they are the right gift. Saving ahead of time with a list of people to shop for can help minimize the likelihood of this.  It’s good for your mental health.It’s well known that the holidays are a hard time for many people. From the stress of money to the stress of family to the stress of jam-packed schedules, it can be overwhelming. But preparing ahead can help ensure you don’t deplete your bank account and add even more stress to your life. It will also help you avoid running around at the last minute so you can take a minute to relax and reset before jumping back into holiday festivities.How can I prepare for the holidays?Preparation is key when it comes to saving for anything, whether it’s a down payment, emergency fund stash, or a holiday savings fund. Here are some tips to set you up for success. #1. Make a list of what gifts you need.The first step to figuring how much you need to save is to figure out who you need to add to your gift list. Make a list of your usual recipients, everyone from your mom and dad to your cousin’s kid and your postal worker. Then look at every person and start brainstorming ideas. If you have a specific idea and you know the price of that gift, great! Jot it down. If you are unsure what to get a person, assign them a price range based on what you feel comfortable spending. This will help you get a pretty good idea of how much money you will need for gifts this year. #2. Make a list of your other expenses.We all know that gifts aren’t the only things that can take a toll on our wallet in the holiday season. Here are some questions to ask to determine what other expenses you may have to consider.Are you hosting dinner for any holiday? It could be Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years, or another gathering. If so, look at your guest list and see how much you will need for groceries, beverages, and other necessities such as plates and napkins.Are you traveling at all for the holidays? If the answer is yes, now is a good time to start booking your travel arrangements, or at the very least start getting an idea of the costs. Gas, airfare, hotels–everything adds up and should be included in your holiday budget.Are you sending Christmas cards this year? Account for how many cards and stamps you will need, and if you are having a family portrait taken for them you will need to consider the photography charge as well.Do you need to ship any gifts? Shipping can add up quickly so try to estimate how much you will need to send gifts to loved ones.Are you doing any holiday baking? This can be a great option for inexpensive gift-giving, but it still needs to be included in your budget. Be sure to include the packaging as well. Are there any other expenses that may pop up? Do you have holiday lights that need to be replaced? Do you get a fresh cut tree every year? Do you have a specific charity or organization you like to donate to? The more detailed and inclusive your list of expenses is the better prepared you will be when the bills start coming in. #3. Total up your expenses and set a goal.Once you have all of your expenses figured out it’s time to get a total and figure out how much you need. When you see the amount of money you need to save you can always go back and see what costs you can cut.  #4. Set up a savings spot.There are a number of places where you can keep holiday savings set aside. You can keep it simple and keep a cash box at your home and manually keep track of how much you have saved. But it may be a better (and safer) idea to keep a separate account for your savings. There are many places where you can open a free savings account, and after the holidays are over you can deposit a little throughout the year to get a start on next year’s savings. There are some banks such as Ally that allow customers to organize their savings account into “buckets”. This means that you can have one savings account but separate your money and allocate it in different ways. Getting a high yield saving account will help you save more money without even lifting a finger, so be sure to shop around for the best interest rates. #5. Start saving!Once you have done all of the necessary preparation, it’s time to save. There are a number of changes you can make to help build your holiday fund.Redeem your cash back rewards and apply them to your holiday savings.Set up your direct deposit to send a percentage of your paycheck into your holiday savings account.Look at your regular budget and determine if there are changes you can make. Are there subscriptions you can cancel? Can you reduce your grocery bill with coupons? Any savings can go right into your holiday savings account.If you have time to take on a part time job it can help you earn a little more money and pad your savings a bit. There are a lot of flexible side hustles you can do such as driving for a rideshare or delivering groceries that can be helpful with managing added expenses. #6. Shop smart.When you start your holiday shopping, be sure to compare prices to avoid overspending when it’s not necessary. Consider getting a browser extension for online shopping. Extensions like PayPal Honey will automatically search the internet for coupons and promo codes so you can get the best deal possible. Other extensions can help you earn cash back, like Rakuten, while others search the internet for a better price, like Pricesout.  #7. Keep track of everything.Try to keep track of all holiday expenses in a detailed way. Not only will this help you make sure you aren’t overspending, but it can help you when preparing for next year’s holiday savings. If there were some things you forgot in your initial planning stage, make a note to yourself so that you don’t forget it next year.That’s how you can start saving money for the holidays. The holidays are a stressful time, especially when money is tight. But a little preparation and planning can help reduce the stress and keep the holidays festive and joyful. If you are looking for another way to save some money, consider refinancing your car loan. You could be saving hundreds, if not thousands! Contact Auto Approve today to find out more.GET A QUOTE IN 60 SECONDS
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How To Make the Most of Cash Back Rewards

Cash back rewards can feel like found money. By simply using your credit card you can earn money that you can use in any way you choose. Everyday purchases such as groceries and gas will earn you points that you can utilize in a number of different ways. But how can you ensure you are getting the most out of your cash back rewards? Here’s how to make the most of your cash back rewards.How do cash back credit cards work?A cash back credit card will give you a certain percentage of qualifying purchases that you make back to you. Credit cards vary on what purchases qualify and what percentage back you will receive. Typically credit cards do not qualify the following transactions for cash back rewards:Cash advancesBalance transfersPurchase of crypto currency or money ordersForeign currency exchangesGambling related purchases, including the lottery. Flat rate cards offer a flat percentage rate on all transactions (except those that are excluded, like the list above). That means that you can earn 1.5% cash back on your gas, clothing purchases, groceries, Amazon orders–pretty much anything.  Some credit cards have customized spending categories that offer different percentage rewards for different categories that you can choose from. For example Bank of America offers the Customized Cash Rewards card where you can get 3% back on all purchases in a category of your choice.  Other credit cards offer rotating rewards categories. The Chase Freedom card for example gives you 5% back on a few categories of spending, and the categories change every three months. For three months you may get 5% back on groceries, and then for the next three months you may get 5% back on travel purchases.Are there limits to how much cash back you can earn?Some credit cards limit how much cash back you receive, but some cards have an unlimited cash back reward system. It is common for many credit cards to limit how much cash back can be earned in different categories. For example the Blue Cash Everyday Card from American Express offers 3% back on supermarket purchases per year, but only up to $6,000 spent. These limits vary widely from card to card so it’s important to read the fine print before opening a new card. How do I redeem cash back?How to redeem your cash back will also vary greatly from card to card. Here are some of the most common ways to redeem cash back:A credit to your accountDirect deposit to your bank account or a checkA gift cardAn online shopping portal A credit to your account.One of the most popular and most straightforward ways to redeem cash back is to have it applied to your credit card statement. If you have a balance on your credit card of $2,000 and cash back rewards that are worth $200, you can simply apply the $200 to your account and reduce your balance to $1,800. It’s important to remember that cash back is not considered a payment per se, so you will still be required to make the minimum payment for your monthly statement to avoid a penalty or fees. Some cards require you to meet a minimum cash back balance to redeem (such as $25 in rewards) while others have no limit. Direct deposit or check.Another easy way to redeem cash back is to have the rewards deposited directly into your bank account. This may be easier for you if you want to apply your rewards in a specific way that isn’t locked into your credit card. Requesting a check is usually pretty straightforward, although there may be a minimum amount of cash back rewards that you are required to have. Direct deposits may be more complicated than getting a check, but if you have a bank account with the same bank as your credit card it is usually pretty simple.  A gift card.Many credit card companies will allow you to use your points to purchase gift cards. While sometimes these redemptions are a one-for-one transaction (meaning $1 of your cash back is worth $1 in the form of a gift card), there are some deals out there that will get you more bang for your buck. Some cards will allow you to purchase a $25 gift card for only $20 in cash back. So while gift cards may not be practical ways to redeem all the time, there are certain times when it will get you the most value. An online shopping portal.Many credit card companies have online portals where you can make purchases directly with your cashback rewards. You can log on through your credit card’s website and purchase whatever you would like, without ever having to hand over your cash and wait to be reimbursed.How can I make the most of my cash back rewards?Cash back can be a great thing if it is utilized properly. After all, if you are spending all of your money to try to earn points and money, it’s not going to be beneficial to you. Here are our top tips for making the most of cash back.Choose the right credit card.There are a lot of credit cards on the market that offer different rewards. Be sure to do your research and select a card that will be beneficial for you and your spending habits. If you spend a lot of money on travel, be sure to get a card that rewards those purchases. If you tend to spend most of your money on groceries and gas, find a car that rewards those purchases most.  Pay off your card in full every month.If you do not pay off your card in full you will end up paying interest, and this will take away directly from the cash back you have earned. Don’t overspend to get more rewards. If you are buying things you don’t need and are unable to keep up on payments simply because you are trying to earn more cash back, it is not going to work out. You will end up wasting more than you would gain in rewards. Be sure to activate the reward categories.Some credit cards with rotating reward categories require you to manually activate the cash back in order to earn rewards. Set a reminder for yourself to login to activate your rewards when it is required.That’s what you need to know to make the most of your cash back rewards.Every penny counts these days, so making the most of your cash back is a must. Looking for more ways to save? Contact Auto Approve to find out how much you could save by refinancing your car loan! GET A QUOTE IN 60 SECONDS
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9 Car Maintenance Questions You Are Afraid To Ask

If you didn’t grow up surrounded by car enthusiasts you may be a little unfamiliar with how cars work and what maintenance they require. And even if you did grow up in a car family, cars have changed a lot through the decades, meaning that the maintenance required has changed as well. It may feel embarrassing to ask questions that you think you should know the answer to, but trust us when we say you are in good company.Here are the answers to 9 car maintenance questions you are afraid to ask.1: How often should I check my tire pressure?It is recommended that you check your tire pressure once a month. The ideal tire pressure will vary from car model to car model. The recommended tire pressure can be found on the inside of the driver’s door and in the user manual. Having the correct tire pressure is important for a few reasons. Incorrect tire pressure will lead to uneven wear on your tires, lower gas mileage, poor handling, and can even cause blowouts. So keeping your tires properly inflated is imperative. Here’s how you can check your tire pressure:Get a tire pressure gauge. You can find one in the automotive section of most stores or online.Remove the air valve cap on the tire.Press the tire gauge firmly against the valve opening for a few seconds.Read the pressure measurement. If it is a digital gauge it will simply give the number. If it is a manual gauge it will have a dial that points to the number.Compare the reading to the recommended pressure. If the pressure is too low, inflate your tire to the correct pressure. If the pressure is too high you can press your fingers on the dot on the back of the tire valve to release pressure.2: How often should I change my timing belt?A timing belt connects a car’s engine crankshaft with its camshafts, keeping the engine moving seamlessly and in sync. Timing belts are made of rubber and over time they can crack and fray, and if your timing belt breaks it can cause extensive damage to your engine. In the past timing belts needed to be replaced every 40,000 to 60,000 miles, but new materials have lengthened their lifespan to 80,000 to 100,000 miles. That said, it’s important to not neglect it if your car is nearing that mileage. It’s a good idea to take your car in to get the timing belt changed in conjunction with some other maintenance tasks, such as the timing belt tensioner and water pump. These parts help ensure the timing belt functions properly. 3: How often should I change my air filter?There are two air filters in your car, one for the engine and one for the cabin. The engine air filter prevents dirt and dust from getting in your car’s engine and the cabin air filter prevents dirt and dust from getting into the AC unit and ultimately into the cabin. When the filter becomes too dirty or clogged it restricts airflow and can cause decreased performance. Because of this you want to change your air filters every 12,000 to 15,000 miles to ensure your car is performing at its best.4: How often should I change my transmission fluid?Transmission fluid lubricates the moving parts to keep the transmission working properly. Transmission fluid also acts as a coolant if you have an automatic transmission. Over time this fluid deteriorates and gets dirty, becoming less and less effective at lubricating the transmission. If you have a manual transmission it is recommended to change it every 30,000 to 60,000 miles. If you have an automatic transmission it is recommended to change it every 60,000 to 100,000 miles. Waiting too long can result in decreased performance and costly repairs down the road.5: What happens if I use the wrong fuel?If you put the wrong type of gas in your car it may not be a big deal, or it may cause a huge problem. It depends on what type of mistake was made. Putting diesel in a gas car: This can clog your fuel filters and fuel injectors and cause damage. This is a serious issue and you should have the fuel drained. Putting gas in a diesel car: This can cause overheating that damages the fuel sensors. This is a serious issue and you should have the fuel drained. Putting regular gas in a premium car: A slip up now and again shouldn’t cause damage. It will result in low fuel economy and reduced acceleration, and repeatedly doing so may cause damage over time.Putting premium gas in a regular car: It probably will not result in damage but will also probably not result in higher performance.  6: What happens if I switch to synthetic oil?Conventional oil is 100% mineral oil that is created by refining crude oil. Cars originally used conventional oil exclusively to keep the engine lubricated and working properly. Synthetic oil is designed to lubricate the engine with less impurities. In general synthetic motor oil protects the engine more than conventional oil. It has fewer impurities than conventional oils and can help prevent sludge and buildup in the engine. It also flows better in low temperatures and protects the engine better at high temperatures. There is no issue in switching back and forth between synthetic and conventional motor oil, and using synthetic oil may be a better option for your car’s health.7: What does a check engine light mean?A check engine light can mean a million different things. Well, maybe not a million, but certainly a whole range of issues. Here are just a few of the different issues that might cause your check engine light to go on:A loose gas cap.An issue with the catalytic converter.Faulty spark plug.Damaged mass air flow sensor.Internal problem with the engine. These issues range from minor issues to major issues, so if your light goes on it’s important to not ignore it. In some newer cars the check engine light will change color depending on what the problem is. A yellow light may indicate a less serious issue while a red light may indicate a major problem. If your check engine light goes on be sure to check that your gas cap is on correctly (this is a very common reason for your light to come on). Pay attention to how your car is driving to see if you can diagnose the problem, or simply take your car to the mechanic to have it checked out. They can use a code reader to determine the root cause. Do not ignore a check engine light as it could signify a very serious problem that could result in a very costly repair.8: Why does my car smell?If your car smells, there could be a few culprits. Keeping your car clean is the biggest thing you can do to keep your car smelling good. A good vacuuming and polish can help get rid of any food bits that may be causing an odor. Here are a few other tips to keep your car smelling great:Place a dryer sheet under the front seats.Clean the floor mats periodically.Leave the windows open when possible to get the fresh air in.Hang an air freshener.Run the blower occasionally to circulate the air.Get into a routine of deep cleaning your car every few months to keep your car smelling fresh. Avoid eating, drinking, or smoking in the car to ensure that bad smells don’t get in there in the first place.9: Why are my tires not wearing evenly?If your tires are wearing unevenly it could signify a few things. Here are what your tire tread wear can tell you:Your tire is worn in the center: OverinflationYour tire is worn on the edges: UnderinflationYour tire has excessive inner or outer wear: Wheel alignment issueYour tire wear is patchy: Tire is out of balanceYour tire is worn diagonally: Known as “cupping wear” this signals an issue with suspensionHow your tire wears can tell you a lot about the health of your car, so pay attention to your tire wear. Inspecting your tires can also help you determine when it's time to replace them. All tires are marked with a manufacturer's date and you can expect tires to last between 6 and 10 years. Tires are the only thing between us and the ground, so they are vitally important to keeping us safe. Those are the answers to your car maintenance questions.Understanding what maintenance is necessary and exactly why it is necessary will help keep your car running smoothly for years to come. If you need some help keeping your car payments running smoothly, Auto Approve can help! Contact our agents today to find out how much you could save by refinancing  your car loan. GET A QUOTE IN 60 SECONDS 
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Car Loan Rejections at an All Time High: What to Know

The rejection rate for car loans is at an all time high right now. The rate of rejection is 14.2%, which is the highest recorded rate since the Federal Reserve started keeping track 10 years ago in 2013. The rejection rate was at 9.1% just seven months ago when the data was released in February. So what is the cause for this high rejection rate, and what can you do to increase your chances of getting approved? Here’s what you need to know about car loan rejections.Why was I rejected for a car loan?Before we talk about why the rejection rate is so high, we need to talk about why car loan rejections occur in the first place. Lenders want to loan money to people who will pay them back. They make more of a profit when you simply make your payments, which includes interest, than they do when they need to chase people down for payments. If you default on your loan and they need to repossess your car and sell it, it is a lot of work on their end and ultimately costs them money. Lenders want to give loans when they feel confident you will pay them back in a timely manner. They reward people who have a good financial track record with good interest rates, as they assume that they will not have to track down missing payments. There are several different reasons you may be rejected for a car loan. Here are some of the most common reasons. You have bad credit.One of the most common reasons for rejection is that you have bad credit. Credit scores take several factors into consideration and give you an overall score to reflect how financially fit you are. Credit scores look at the following factors:Your payment history (35%)The amounts you owe (30%)The length of your credit history (15%)New credit (10%)Credit mix (10%) Your payment history and the amount of debt that you are in are the two factors that affect your score the most. If you have a history of missed payments and have a lot of debt, lenders will not want to give a loan out to you. Credit scores are broken into five categories:800 to 850: Excellent.740 to 799: Very good.670 to 739: Good. 580 to 669: Fair.300 to 579: Poor. If you have excellent credit or very good credit you will most likely not have a problem getting approved. But as your score gets lower and lower you will have a harder and harder time getting approved. If your credit is fair or poor you may be rejected or only be able to find high interest loans.There were errors on your application.A surprisingly common reason for car loan rejection is simple: there are clerical errors. If you write your address wrong, incorrectly record your salary, or miss a box that needs a signature, you might be rejected. You requested too much money.Lenders will look at your income to determine how much money you can afford every month. If you are trying to buy a luxury car but have an income that cannot support those payments, a lender will likely reject you. It’s important to set a realistic budget of what you can afford before applying for a car loan that is beyond your means.You have an irregular income.If you are self employed or a seasonal worker you may have a harder time getting approved for a loan. Stable income is key to any loan application, and without it you may run into trouble. You have an open bankruptcy, lawsuit, or other negative event on your credit report.Your credit report reveals a lot of information to lenders. Any of the following items on a credit report could be a red flag to lenders and cause them to reject your application.Open bankruptcyOpen lawsuitA repossessionA foreclosureDelinquent child support paymentsHistory of collectionsA federal or state lien All of these items means that you have had financial issues at some point and therefore make you a riskier borrower. It’s completely possible to have a credit score that qualifies you for a loan, but the lender may still look at these factors and determine you are not a good candidate. Why are car loan rejections so high right now?So why right now is there such an increased rate of car loan rejections? There are a number of factors that are creating a burden for car buyers. The price of new cars.Part of the problem is that car prices are incredibly high right now. This means that people need to borrow more money than they would have in the past, while their income has probably stayed the same.  The increase in interest rates.Over the past several months the Fed has increased the benchmark interest rate three times. Interest rates are now much higher than they were at the beginning of the year. Couple this with an increase in car prices and you have a higher borrowing amount that is an increased burden on borrowers. Total debt amounts are higher.When lenders look at applications they must consider all debt that the application has. Consumer debts have increased across the board, affecting the debt to income ratio for many people. The average American held $101,915 in debt in 2022, up 5.8% from the previous year.What can I do to get approved for a car loan?Since the current economic conditions are out of your control, it is easy to feel helpless if you need a loan and can’t seem to get approved. But there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of getting approved. Get a car you can afford.If you need a car but can’t quite afford the payments associated with the car of your dreams, you may need to readjust. Do research to determine which economical model will work well with what you need. There are so many options on the market now and even the base models are well equipped with all of the modern day conveniences. Skipping the addons and luxurious touches can also help reduce the overall cost of  your new car and increase your chance of approval.  Make a higher down payment.An increased down payment will significantly increase your chance for approval. The more that you can reduce the risk to the lender, the more likely you are to get approved.Work on your credit score.Taking a few months to work on your credit score can make all the difference. Making on time payments, paying down some debts, and reviewing your credit report for errors can give you a significant boost and allow you to reapply with a better chance for approval. Wait for a negative event to expire. If you have a negative event on your credit report you may need to simply wait it out. Most negative information stays on your credit report for between 7 and 10 years depending on the type of event. Negative information may include the following:Late payments: Stay on your report for 7 yearsCollections payments: Stay on your report for 7 yearsBankruptcy public record: Stay on your report for 7-10 years depending on the type of bankruptcyRepossessions: Stay on your report for 7 years (starting at the first date of missed payments)Foreclosures: Stay on your report for 7 yearsLiens: If the lien is paid off it will stay on your report for 7 years. If it is unpaid it will stay on your report for 15 years with Experian and Equifax, but it will remain indefinitely with TransUnion If you are close to a negative event expiry, it might be worthwhile to wait it out. If you are years away from it expiring you may need to get a cosigner to make you a more attractive applicant to lenders. Get a cosigner.If you know that you can afford the payments but your credit score doesn’t reflect that, a cosigner can help convince the lender that you are a worthy applicant. Cosigners give the lenders another person to hold responsible for payments, making them more confident in their decision to lend you the money. Be sure you can afford the payments however and have an honest conversation with your cosigner about your financial situation.  Check your application for mistakes.Review your application a few times before submitting it. Getting rejected for a clerical error is frustrating but avoidable. After filling out the paperwork it's a good idea to put it down and come to it later for a final review; fresh eyes can pick out mistakes more easily. That’s everything you need to know about the current car loan rejection rate. If you have a car loan that you aren’t happy with, contact Auto Approve today! We can help you refinance your loan and save you loads of money. So don’t wait.GET A QUOTE IN 60 SECONDS 
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Can I Have Two Car Loans at Once?

If you already have a car that is financed, you may be wondering if it’s possible to get a second car loan. You may find yourself in the position of needing a second car, but today’s car prices make it hard to afford it without financing. The good news is that you can get a second car loan, but you may face more scrutiny which makes preparing your finances ahead of time that much more important.Here’s how you can prepare for a second car loan.How can I prepare for getting a second car loan?Applying for a second car loan will follow the same process as when you applied for your first car loan. You will however face more scrutiny from lenders because you are accruing more debt. Lenders will consider the same factors that they considered with your original car loan. They will look at your credit history, your current debt, payment history, and income to determine how much of a risk you are when it comes to financing. If you have a good income, good credit history, and don’t have a lot of debt you may find that getting a second car loan is no issue at all. If you are having trouble making your monthly car payments and in general are not in a great financial position, you may have a hard time securing a loan. The best way to prepare for a second car loan is to ensure that your finances are on track and that you can afford the car you wish to buy.How do I know if I can afford a second car? When you buy a second car, not only will you need to afford a second car payment every month, but you will have to afford the additional costs that come with buying a car. That means:Increased insurance premiumsMaintenance costsParking feesRegistration fees It’s important to think about all of this when you are considering which car to purchase. Selecting a car that you can afford comfortably will give you a better chance of keeping current with your payments.  The general rule of thumb is that your total transportation costs should not exceed 20% of your income. This means that your car payments, insurance, maintenance, gas, parking, and tolls should all be 20% or less of your income–and that’s for both cars. While you may not have a ton of control over the price of gas, parking, tolls, and maintenance, you do have some control over the car payments you will be making. The key is to select a car that you can afford. Here are some questions to ask yourself when deciding which car you should purchase as a second car: Can I afford it? The first question you should ask yourself is if this actually fits into your budget. If you can afford it, then great! But if not, consider your needs and see if a used car would be a better option for you.What will this car be used for? In other words, why do you need a second car? If you need a car simply for getting from point A to point B, a small economical car with few addons might suffice. This will help you secure a lower purchase price. If you want a nicer second car that will be your fun weekend car, be sure to look around at different brands and try to find a car that will fit into your budget while still giving you the comfort you are craving.Can I wait and get my finances in great shape? If you can afford to wait a few months to make sure your finances are in order it can save you a lot of money. If the situation is urgent you may not have the luxury to shop around and get your credit boosted.Should I refinance my first loan? Before getting out a second loan you should take another look at your first loan. If your finances have improved since your initial loan you may be able to refinance and secure a lower interest rate. This can ease up a lot of money every month and allow you to more comfortably make a second loan payment every month.How can I improve my chances for getting a second car loan?Lenders tend to perceive a second car loan as risky so your odds for approval are lower. But there are several steps you can take to help get approved and get the best car loan APR possible. Check your credit report.Getting a copy of your credit report and reviewing it for errors can help you enormously. When you get your report you want to take a look at all payments made, all debt balances, and all open accounts. It’s good to review this every few months in general, but it’s especially important when you are interested in opening a new account. If you notice anything that is incorrect be sure to report it immediately. Fixing errors can bump up your credit score significantly. Reviewing your report also gives you a chance to check in on how you are doing financially. Are you keeping up with payments? Do you have too much debt? A self assessment will help you keep track of your finances much more efficiently.  Save for a down payment.A sizable down payment will not only help reduce the balance of your loan (and therefore reduce your payments) but it will also help you get a lower interest rate. A down payment instills confidence in the lender that you are responsible and have the means to make monthly payments.  Pay down revolving debt.Revolving debt is debt that you borrow against a line of credit, like a credit card. Paying down these accounts will significantly improve your debt to income ratio and improve your chances of getting approved for a second car loan. Get a cosigner. If you really need the second car but you are having trouble getting approved, you may want to consider using a cosigner. A cosigner with good credit can help you get approved and help you secure a better car loan interest rate. If you default on your payments your cosigner will be responsible for making them, making you a less risky candidate. But using a cosigner can make for a complicated personal relationship. After all, if you default on your loan you are putting them in a tight financial spot. It’s important to only do this if you are certain that you can afford the payments.  Estimate your car insurance payments.While maintenance costs can be tricky to predict, you are able to estimate your car insurance premiums before you purchase a second car. It’s important to take this into consideration because it can easily add a substantial amount onto the cost of your second car. To get an estimate you will need to know which car you are interested in (or at least have your top two or top three picked out). You will also need to determine the level of coverage you want. The requirements vary state to state so check your state’s department of motor vehicle to see what type of coverage you need. You can then reach out to your current insurance provider and get an estimate. Be sure to get quotes from a few other companies as well. You may find better deals with other companies especially if you are bundling your policies. Taking the additional cost of insurance into consideration will help you make the right choice when buying a second car. Shop around for the best car deal. There are a lot of options when it comes to buying a new car. While you used to be limited to the dealerships near you, there are now a lot more options available. When you find the car that is right for you, check the prices at several dealerships. Online dealerships like CarsDirect and Carvana may be more affordable options for you. Shopping around for the best deal can save you thousands. Get pre approved.Pre approval makes buying a new car much easier. You will know before you even set foot in a dealership what cars you can afford and how much your payments will be. It will also help you avoid the dealer financing pitch, which is usually always more expensive. The dealer will have to beat your pre approval rate, which may be hard for them to do. In general pre approval makes you seem like a prepared, no-nonsense buyer and will help you tremendously. It’s always good to bring a loved one along with you to the dealership to help keep you focused and help you resist the added pressures that are present at dealerships. That’s how you can get a second car loan.Getting a second car loan may be slightly more difficult, but preparing your finances will give you a better chance of being approved. If you are interested in refinancing your car loan, contact Auto Approve today! You can get a free quote in minutes and it could save you thousands. So don’t wait! GET A QUOTE IN 60 SECONDS
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10 Tips for Driving Safely This Fall

Fall is almost here in all its breezy and colorful glory. While the fall is arguably the most beautiful time to go for a drive, there are certain things that you need to keep in mind to ensure that your drive is as safe as it is beautiful. Here are our top tips for driving in the fall.#1: Make sure your car is prepared.The changing of the seasons marks a great time to check in with your car and make sure it is properly maintained and prepared for fall driving. This means taking the following steps to ensure your car is in proper working order:Check on all fluid levels and top off accordingly. Change your oil if it’s due.Check all lights on your car, including headlights, turn signals, and brake lights. Check your wipers blades and replace them if necessary.Check on your heating system.  The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are dropping at night, and damp leaves are starting to accumulate. All of these factors make driving more hazardous, so making sure your car is ready for anything that might come your way is incredibly important. #2. Check your tires.While this technically fits in with “making sure your car is prepared”, it’s so important this time of year that it needs its own safety tip space to shine. Check your tires and ensure they have good tread and are wearing evenly. If your tires are wearing unevenly you may have an issue with alignment and should take your car into the mechanic to have them inspect it. If your tread is low, replace your tires as soon as possible. You also want to keep an eye on your tire pressure. The colder temperatures will cause the air to contract and decrease pressure, which can make your tires underinflated. This is not only dangerous but bad for your car. The bottom line is make sure your tires are good before the winter begins. #3. Stock up your emergency kit.You should already have an emergency kit loaded in your car with all of the essentials (if you don’t, start one as soon as possible!). But it’s good to take everything out and make sure you have everything you may need. Check that your snacks are still good, your bottle of water is intact, and your first aid kit is restocked with bandaids. You don’t want to be stuck without something you need, especially now that the nights are getting colder. #4. Be ready for shifting light patterns. Sunrise is happening later and later and sunset is happening earlier and earlier. This means that the sun glare while driving will affect most people much more. Be sure to keep sunglasses in your car for when the glare becomes too much, keep your windshield clean, and make sure your windshield fluid is topped off.#5. Prepare for driving with leaves.Falling leaves are beautiful but they create a boatload of safety issues when driving. Here are some of the top things to keep in mind:Wet leaves decrease friction significantly which makes them very dangerous to drive on. It’s all too easy to lose control of your vehicle when they are slick on the road. Make sure to slow down ahead of time and take your time on bends. As the temperatures drop, leaves can become icy, making them even more dangerous.Dry leaves can also reduce friction. Leaves on the road can cover up potholes and road markings.Leaf peepers can create dangerous driving conditions all by themselves. They may drive below the speed limit, miss signs, and just not pay attention in general.  Be sure to pay extra attention when the leaves are falling and make sure the leaves are removed from your hood and wipers to prevent any issues with visibility.#6. Be on the lookout for deer.Deer breed in the fall, which means that not only are they out and about more, but they are hopped up on hormones and usually a little less skittish than normal. Be extra vigilant when driving, especially at dusk and dawn when they are more active. If you do see a deer in the road, put your hazards on and drive slowly. Alerting other drivers will help everyone avoid an accident.#7. Consider school traffic.When kids head back to school there is more school traffic to consider. Buses will be out on the roads, kids will be walking to and from school, and kids will be playing outside after school in the beautiful weather. Be especially careful when driving by leaf piles. Kids love to play and hide in them, so avoid driving through and near them and all costs. #8. Gear up for frost.Dew and rain this time of year combined with dropping temperatures means that frost is inevitable. This can make for very slick areas that may appear innocuous but are actually pretty dangerous. Many are prepared for this in the winter, but when slick conditions appear in the fall they are unprepared. Be sure to monitor the temperature as you are driving and if it starts getting cold, increase your vigilance.#9. Prepare for night driving.As the sun sets earlier and earlier, the chances are you will be driving in the dark more often. And driving at night is actually much more dangerous than driving during the day. According to the National Safety Council while only 25% of driving occurs at night, 50% of all accidents occur at night. This is because depth perception, peripheral vision, glare, and color recognition are all affected by the dark, making everyone a less safe driver while on the road at night.#10. Double check your insurance, registration, and car loan information.Again, the change of the seasons can serve as a good reminder to ensure all of your car-related paperwork is in order. Is your insurance up to date and valid? Is your registration current? Are your car loan payments manageable? How does your interest rate compare to other rates on the market? Refinancing your loan can help secure a lower interest rate and better repayment terms, which can help free up some money before the holiday season hits. Use this time to check in and ensure everything is up to date and you are satisfied with your car loan.Those are our top tips for driving in the fall. Take the time to prepare your car and your mindset for fall time driving to make sure you enjoy the season. Keep yourself, your loved ones, and your car safe while hitting the roads this season. Interested in refinancing your car loan? Contact Auto Approve today!GET A QUOTE IN 60 SECONDS
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*APR and Fees Disclosure: Auto Approve works to find you the best Annual Percentage Rate (APR), which is based on factors like your credit history, vehicle and desired payment terms. Fees to complete your loan refinance vary by state and lender; they generally include admin fees, doc fees, DMV and title. Advertised 6.24% APR based on: 2019 model year or newer vehicle, 730 minimum FICO credit score, and loan term up to 72 months. All loans subject to credit and lender approval.
Auto Approve has an A+ rating with the BBB and is located at 2860 Vicksburg Lane North Plymouth, MN 55447. Auto Approve works to find its customers the best terms and APR, which are based on factors like credit history, vehicle, and desired payment terms. Loan amounts, costs, and fees vary by state and lender; they generally include admin fees, doc fees, DMV, and title fees, depending on the lender and period of repayment. There is no fee to obtain a quote and all refinancing-related costs are included in the amount financed so there are no out-of-pocket costs! For more information, please go to AutoApprove.com.